Former Haryana Deputy Chief Minister and BJP ally Dushyant Chautala has written to the Governor, demanding a floor test in the state assembly. Mr Chautala’s move comes amidst a political upheaval sparked by the withdrawal of support from three independent MLAs and mounting tensions within the ruling BJP coalition.
In a letter addressed to the Governor of Haryana Bandaru Dattatreya, Mr Chautala said that the recent resignations and withdrawals of support have left the ruling BJP alliance teetering on the brink of a minority status.
“I urge you to direct the appropriate authority to immediately call for a floor test to determine majority of government,” Mr Chautala’s letter to the Governor.
The call for a floor test stems from the recent switch of three Independent MLAs from the BJP faction to the Congress faction. On Tuesday, MLAs Sombir Sangwan (representing Dadri), Randhir Singh Gollen (from Pundri), and Dharampal Gonder (of Nilokheri) declared their intention to cut support for the BJP administration during a press conference held in Rohtak. They were joined by Bhupinder Singh Hooda, the Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, and Udai Bhan, the state Congress chief.
Mr Chautala, leader of the Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) which is a former ally of the BJP, did not mince words in expressing his party’s readiness to throw its weight behind an alternative government, signalling a potential alliance with the Congress.
“The government that was formed two months back is now in the minority because two of the MLAs who supported them – one from the BJP and the other an Independent MLA – have resigned. Three Independent MLAs who were supporting them have withdrawn their support and have written to the Governor. JJP has clearly said that if a No Confidence Motion is brought against this government, we will support the motion,” Mr Chautala said.
“We have also written to the Governor about it. Now, Congress has to take this step (seeking a Floor Test). The Governor has the power to order a Floor Test to see if the Government has the strength and if it doesn’t have the majority immediately implement President’s Rule in the state,” he added.
The Haryana Assembly, with 90 seats, is currently occupied by 88 members, with the majority mark at 45. BJP commands 40 MLAs supported by three out of six independent candidates, meaning the ruling coalition is short of two MLAs to hit the majority. The Congress party boasts 30 MLAs with its count bolstered by three independent candidates. Should the JJP lend its support, the Congress’s tally would rise to 43 MLAs. This scenario leaves two MLAs unaligned-one from the Haryana Lokhit Party and the other from the INLD.
Aftab Ahmed, Congress leader and deputy leader of opposition in the Haryana assembly, has asked for time to meet the Governor.