Shah Rukh Khan recently took a break from his busy schedule and shared a picture with his son Aryan Khan on social media. The snap was from a photoshoot he did for Aryan’s luxury streetwear brand, Dyavol.x.
In the picture, SRK is seen wearing a black hoodie teamed with matching pants. The hoodie features the company’s logo on its front. Aryan, on the other hand, is seen dressed in a white hoodie paired with grey jeans.
The caption read, “It’s rude to stare. X3. Dropping on 12th January.”
Earlier this week, SRK also appeared in an advertisement for the brand, which featured Aryan. The actor announced on his X (formerly Twitter) handle that the brand’s new X-3 collection will launch on January 12.
In the clip, SRK is seen entering a museum at night with his signature style. Art pieces are scattered throughout the museum, including a jacket from D’YAVOL X’s upcoming collection, which is being described as a “masterpiece.” The words “timeless,” “priceless,” “treasure,” and “iconic” are highlighted as Shah Rukh approaches the Mona Lisa and replaces it with the jacket.
Founded by Aryan Khan, Bunty Singh and Leti Blagoeva, D’YAVOL X debuted at New York Fashion Week in September 2024. Shah Rukh Khan has strongly supported his son’s entrepreneurial venture and has been promoting the brand since its inception. The brand offers both a high-end streetwear line and a spirits portfolio.
On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki, which also starred Taapsee Pannu, Boman Irani, and Vicky Kaushal.
Next, he will appear in King, an action thriller directed by Sujoy Ghosh, alongside his daughter, Suhana Khan. The film will mark Suhana’s theatrical debut, following her role in Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies, which released on Netflix in 2023.