Amaravati: Conman Sukesh Chandrashekar who has been lodged in the Tihar Jail has once again managed to make headlines. This time it is about the Rushikonda palace in Visakhapatnam, which has been in the news as an extravagant building constructed by former Andhra Pradesh chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.

Sukesh wrote a letter to current Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu, expressing his interest in either buying the ‘palace’, or leasing it. In his letter, he stated that he was ready to pay 20 % more than the market value if the state government was willing to sell it. The building was revealed to the media after the ruling Telugu Desam Party (TDP) government came to power this year. It was reportedly constructed at a staggering cost of Rs 500 crore.

Also ReadTDP alleges Jagan splurged Rs 500 cr on hilltop mansion in Vizag

Sukesh requested the Andhra Pradesh chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu to consider his letter as the “expression of interest” document to purchase the palace. However it is unclear what the structure was built for. Media reports suggest that Jagan was likely to use it as his camp office, given that he planned to make Visakhapatnam the capital of Andhra Pradesh. However Naidu immediately after he won said that Amaravati will be the new capital, so it has to be seen what will be the fate of this structure.

He wrote the letter from Tihar Jail, which became a topic for discussion in every corner of Visakhapatnam. Sukesh has been lodged in the jail for allegedly extorting Rs 200 crore from his victims.

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