Zakir Hussain, the four-time Grammy winner, died on Monday at a hospital in San Francisco, US. He was 73. According to a statement from his family, the legend died due to complications from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Tributes for the legendary artist, a marquee name in India and abroad, have been pouring in from all corners. Fashion designer Manish Malhotra also shared a series of photos of Zakir Hussain on Instagram. In his heartfelt note, Manish recalled the honour of dressing the tabla maestro for the 2024 Grammys. He wrote, “RIP Ustaad Zakir Hussain. I had the privilege and honour of dressing Maestro Zakir Hussain for the Grammys 2024 and meeting him at our Manish Malhotra Headquarters in Mumbai. I will cherish those memories for life. Love and respect.”
Kareena Kapoor also shared a throwback image of Zakir Hussain on her Instagram Stories. The snap featured Kareena, her father, actor Randhir Kapoor and the legendary tabla maestro. In the picture, Kareena’s father and Zakir Hussain are seen shaking hands, while Kareena stands beside them, looking down. “Maestro forever,” Kareena wrote in her caption.
Ranveer Singh also paid tribute to Zakir Hussain by sharing a black-and-white image of the maestro. In the photo, Zakir Hussain is seen smiling and playing the tabla.
In her note for Zakir Hussain, Bhumi Pednekar wrote, “Maestro. His rhythm will echo in our hearts forever.” Check out her post below:
In a statement, Zakir Hussain’s family said, “He (Zakir Hussain) leaves behind an extraordinary legacy cherished by countless music lovers around the globe, with an influence that will resonate for generations to come.”
In a career spanning six decades, Zakir Hussain collaborated with numerous renowned international and Indian artists. His groundbreaking work with Western musicians like Yo-Yo Ma, Charles Lloyd, Bela Fleck, Edgar Meyer, Mickey Hart, and George Harrison played a pivotal role in bringing Indian classical music to an international audience.
Zakir Hussain received the Padma Shri in 1988, the Padma Bhushan in 2002 and the Padma Vibhushan in 2023.