The T20 World Cup 2024 culminated for Team India with a resounding victory against South Africa in the final on Saturday. While Virat Kohli played an influential knock with the bat, Jasprit Bumrah, Arshdeep Singh and Hardik Pandya delivered with the ball to help the team take the trophy home. Soon after India ended their 11-year wait for an ICC title, Kohli announced his retirement from the shortest format of the game in international cricket. Rohit did the same a little later, at the post-match press conference.
The two heroes of Indian cricket will no longer be seen in T20I internationals, a fact that is bound to make millions of fans emotional. If the announcement wasn’t enough Virat and Rohit also produced a moment for the ages after the game, holding the T20 World Cup trophy in hand, with the Indian flag around them.
– Thank you, Rohit & Kohli.
— Johns. (@CricCrazyJohns) June 29, 2024
Earlier, Rohit also planted the Indian flag on the ground, to mark the fact that India won the T20 World Cup 2024 title in Barbados.
What a proud moment today.
National flag, Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli and World Cup.
Don’t go without like.. share this video.. Our dream comes true.#indiawins #ViratKohli𓃵 #RohitShamra #surya #INDvsSA2024 #hardik ..— The Brave Warrior (@brave_warrior83) June 29, 2024
Speaking after the game, India captain Rohit Sharma admitted that he is short of words to describe the victorious moment, as India put years of agony behind them to be crowned world champions in the shortest format again.
“Very hard to sum up what we have been through for the last 3-4 years. To be honest, we worked very hard as individuals and as a team a team, lot has gone on behind the scenes for us to be here today and win this game. It is not what we did today, it is what we have been doing for the last 3-4 years. That’s the the result that has come for us today. We have played lots of high pressure games in the past as well and have been on the wrong side as well. But the guys understand what needs to be done.
“Today was the perfect example of when the back is against the wall, what is required. We stuck together as a team and the guys, all of us, even when at one point it was looking South Africa’s way. Overall, as a team, as a group on the field, we wanted this really bad. We wanted to win this. To win a tournament like this, a lot goes behind the scenes, a lot of effort, a lot of minds need to come together. I am very proud of this bunch of boys I have and the management as well for giving us that liberty to go and play, to execute, for having that trust in each one of us,” he said in the post-match presentation ceremony.