Newly married couple Arti Singh and Dipak Chauhan are currently in Paris for their honeymoon. On their dreamy vacation, the duo can be seen enjoying thoroughly and sharing glimpses of it on their social media handles. In a recent video posted, the television actress and sister of actor Krushna Abhishek was seen hopping on the viral trend – Aditi Rao Hydari’s Gajagamini walk from Heeramandi. On Wednesday, Arti Singh dropped a video for her fans and followers. In this clip, the actress looks gorgeous in a red saree as she recreates the viral walk near the Eiffel Tower. Sharing this clip, Arti captioned, “I hv a saree and no regrets.”

Watch Arti Singh’s video here-

For the unversed, a clip from the Heeramandi song where Bibbojaan (played by Aditi Rao Hydari) is performing for Nawab Wali, played by Fardeen Khan, has gone viral and how. In the viral-worthy clip, Aditi can be seen captivating audiences with her gaja gamini walk.

In a recent interview with Connect Cine, Aditi reflected on the viral moment, and said Sanjay was very involved in it along with choreographer Kruti Mahesh. “I am thanking everybody. That walk, just that little tukda from thumri, it is all over the internet. I really didn’t expect that and Sanjay sir did say, ‘Ye chaal bahut important hai (This walk is very important).’ He has so much knowledge so he was very much involved in the making of the song,” she said.

She continued, “Kruti Mahesh was there choreographing but he was completely involved in every detail of the choreography and he was very particular about this walk and how it should happen, how will the dupatta fall, how will the waist move, exactly when will the ‘chan’ sound will be heard…it was quite incredible”.

Heeramandi: The Diamong Bazaar also stars Fardeen Khan, Shekhar Suman, Taha Shah and Adhyayan Suman among others. Helmed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the show is currently streaming on Netflix.

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