Varun Dhawan turned a year older on Wednesday (April 24). On the special occasion, Varun Dhawan gave a sneak-peek into his intimate birthday celebration on social media. Varun Dhawan shared a series of photos on his Instagram handle. One of the pictures features him posing with his birthday cake. He is seen wearing a black and white vest. The venue is beautifully decorated with ‘Happy Birthday’ banners. Another picture shows him hugging his mom Karuna Dhawan. And of course, we also got a glimpse of his delicious birthday cake. The photos also offer glimpses of Varun Dhawan‘s cherished moments with his mother, as well as a special picture featuring their pet dog enjoying a family meal.

Sharing the photos on his Instagram handle, Varun Dhawan couldn’t help but tease his fans and followers with the announcement of upcoming project. While Varun didn’t spill the beans about his upcoming project, his caption hinted at an exciting announcement on the horizon. He wrote, “Growing, learning and yet trying to stay the same. Thank you for all the wonderful wishes and love. P.S. – I ate very little of that cake since I start a new movie. very soon so very excited about that!!!!”

Reacting to his post, Shraddha Kapoor playfully commented, “Happy Bday Babdulal Main hoon na, I will eat a lot of cake from your side. For the unversed, they worked together in several films such as Street Dancer 3D and ABCD 2 among others.

Alongside Shraddha, many other actors also extended their heartfelt wishes to Varun in the comments section. “Happy Birthday the best boy! Be you and be true as always! Love love love,” wrote Dia Mirza. Huma Qureshi chimed in with, “Happy Bday VD. send cake here ;-)” while Bhumi Pednekar, Arjit Taneja, Darshan Kumaar, Jacqueline Fernandez, Urvashi Rautela, and Malaika Arora also sent their wishes for the birthday boy.

With a busy year ahead, Varun Dhawan has a lot on his plate. In addition to the impending arrival of his baby, he’s gearing up for the release of his film Baby John on May 31. He will also be seen in the Amazon series Citadel: Hunny Bunny alongside Samantha Ruth Prabhu, starring Janhvi Kapoor, No Entry 2, Bhediya 2, and Stree 2.

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