Veer Pahariya is all set to make a grand Bollywood debut alongside Akshay Kumar in the highly-anticipated film Sky Force. At the trailer launch event, the debutant shared his experience of working alongside Akshay.
“A week before the shoot, Dinesh sir introduced me to Akshay sir. Akshay sir was so kind and welcoming that he broke the ice in one second. From then on we became great friends. He became an elder brother to me and guided me throughout, and we worked on scenes in different ways. Maybe we did thirty to forty rehearsals and takes, and he was very kind. I really had a blast working with him,” Veer said.
During the event, Akshay Kumar also expressed his admiration towards Veer Pahariya’s dedication to his craft. The actor shared that he was impressed by Veer’s ability to learn quickly. Akshay stated that he believes Veer has a bright future ahead in the industry.
Sky Force tells the untold true story of India’s first airstrike, highlighting the bravery, emotion and patriotism of the men in uniform.
Directed by Sandeep Kelwani and Abhishek Kapur, the film is produced by Dinesh Vijan, Jyoti Deshpande and Amar Kaushik. Sky Force will hit theatres on January 24, 2025.