Varun Dhawan is super busy with Baby John’s promotion campaign. The film also features Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabbi. Can you guess the latest stop for Baby John‘s promotions? Karan Aujla‘s Gurugram concert. The actor surprised everyone with his blockbuster entry. In the video shared on Instagram, Varun can be seen waving at a sea of fans at the concert. Karan Aujla, thrilled by Varun’s entry, says, “I am a big fan of yours. I am so happy you have shared the stage with me. You are welcome, brother.” Varun has also dropped some pictures from his time in the national capital. From posing against a Christmas tree to attending a fan-meet, Varun had a blast. Sharing the Delhi album, Varun wrote,  “Delhi baby, Baby John this Christmas.” Replying to the post, Arjun Bijlani dropped red hearts. 

Baby John has been backed by Atlee. The film will open to theatres on December 25.  Recently, Varun Dhawan has confirmed that the film is not a remake of Atlee’s Theri. The actor said Baby John is an Hindi adaptation of the Tamil blockbuster. Varun told India Today, “When Atlee came with this film, there was a reason behind it, and he said that we had to change a lot of the geography of the film. We have to use it as an adaptation and not really a proper remake, and I think that’s what’s done.”

He added, “Like you see, a lot of the frames and a lot of the story angles are different. So, if someone comes in expecting a book-by-book remake, they will be disappointed because that’s not what the film is. It’s an adaptation. We’re not running away from that, but it’s more of an adaptation.”

Baby John features a surprise cameo by none other than Salman Khan. The trailer has already left fans buzzing, with Salman’s appearance adding another layer of intrigue to the action drama. Directed by A. Kaleeswaran and produced by Murad Khetani, Priya Atlee and Jyoti Deshpande, the film is set for a Christmas release on December 25, making it a must-watch this holiday season.

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