Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya are reportedly vacationing together. Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya recently posted their pictures from a jungle safari on their Instagram handles. Although they haven’t posted joint pictures, the similar backgrounds in their individual photos prompted speculation from eagle-eyed fans who noticed similarities in their scenic backdrops. Sobhita Dhulipala recently shared snapshots from a jungle safari, where she humorously recounted observing peacocks engaging in their morning rituals. Sharing the post on Instagram, she wrote, “So..I watched flying peacocks (repeatedly) fornicate at dawn.. Def recommend.” Naga Chaitanya, on the other hand, posted a snapshot against a sunset backdrop amidst lush forestry.

After looking at the rumoured couple’s similar posts, fans made a bee-line to the comments section. An Instagram user wrote, “These both are showing their relationship posting by photos. Same location but not together pics. Indirectly showing up.” “Are Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya soft-launching their relationship? They literally shared pics from the same place,” a fan wrote. Another one commented, “Sobhita and Naga are definitely holidaying together.” While a comment read, “I’m sure both of them clicked each other’s pics,” another one wrote, “Good way to make a relationship official. Instead of indirect hints, openly show each other. We anyway know you guys are together.”

This isn’t the first time Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya sparked dating rumours with their travel escapades. Last year, they were spotted together on a London getaway. A picture featuring Naga Chaitanya posing with chef Surender Mohan in a London restaurant did rounds on social media. The highlight of the photo was Sobhita, who was spotted sitting at the table in the background.

For the unversed, Naga Chaitanya was previously married to Samantha Ruth Prabhu. The former couple announced their separation in October 2021 after four years of marriage. The couple issued a joint statement that read, “To all our well-wishers. After much deliberation and thought Chay and I have decided to part ways as husband and wife to pursue our own paths. We are fortunate to have a friendship of over a decade that was the very core of our relationship which we believe will always hold a special bond between us. We request our fans, well wishers and the media to support us during this difficult time and give us the privacy we need to move on. Thanking you for your support.”

On the professional front, Naga Chaitanya is currently busy shooting for his film Thandel, alongside Sai Pallavi. The film is directed by Chandoo Mondeti. Meanwhile, Sobhita Dhulipala was last seen in Monkey Man, directed by Dev Patel.

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