Neena Gupta’s recent Instagram post is pure gold. The actress shared a throwback gem that has caused quite a stir on social media. In the frame, the star can be seen wearing a floral saree paired with a shirt-style blouse. “Jawani ke din. I think this photo was clicked by Gautam Rajadhyaksh,” she wrote in the caption. As soon as Neena uploaded the photo, fans and fellow celebrities flooded the comment section with love. Actress Sunita Rajwar wrote, “Beautiful,” while actor Darshan Kumaar shared a red heart emoji. Filmmaker Sonam Nair commented, “Hottest,” and dropped a fire emoji. Actress Rajeshwari Sachdev added, “Beautiful” with a red heart. Actor Nivaan Sen also shared a red heart. Actor Mathew Swift joined in, saying, “Neena, you definitely broke some hearts.” Many others followed suit.
Check out the post below:
Neena Gupta never fails to get the Internet talking with her posts. Last November, the veteran star’s “faltu feminism” comment had the internet’s undivided attention. ICYMI, while talking to Ranveer Allahbadia in his podcast The Ranveer Show, Neena clearly said that she doesn’t believe that women are equal to men. She stated, “I want to say that it’s not necessary to believe in faltu [useless] feminism or the idea that ‘women are equal to men’. Instead, focus on achieving financial independence and giving attention to your work. If you are a housewife, don’t look down on it. It is an important role. Boost your self-esteem and avoid thinking of yourself as small. That’s the main message I want to convey. Additionally, men and women are not equal. The day men start getting pregnant, that day we will be equal.”
Speaking about the importance of men in women’s lives, Neena Gupta added, “You need a man. I will tell a small story. I had to catch a flight at 6 am. I did not have a boyfriend at that time. I came out of the house at 4 am and it was dark. A man started following me, and I was so scared. I went back to my house and I missed my flight. The next day, I booked the same flight. But I stayed at my male friend’s house and he dropped me off. I need a man.”
On the work front, Neena Gupta was last seen in Kaagaz 2. The movie also featured Satish Kaushik and Darshan Kumaar.