Bollywood heartthrobs and brothers Vicky Kaushal and Sunny Kaushal are set to make us laugh on this week’s episode of the Netflix series, The Great Indian Kapil Show, headlined by comedian-actor Kapil Sharma. Before the episode drops on Saturday, the OTT giant has treated us to bits of hilarious banter between actor Sunil Grover – who is one of the performers on the show – and Vicky Kaushal. In the promo, Sunil Grover, dressed in a saree as his character Dafli is seen flirting with Vicky, even referring to him as her husband. Playing along, Vicky Kaushal asks why she has vermilion on her forehead in the shape of the Hindi letter “Ka”. To this, Dafli says that it stands for her husband’s initials [as in Kaushal – get it?]. To this, Vicky Kaushal quips, “My wife’s name also starts with K,” talking about his wife, superstar Katrina Kaif, and tells Dafli, “So by that logic, you and I are siblings.” At this, Sunil Grover breaks character to say, “Saara script hi kharab kar diya [He has ruined the entire script],” as the team bursts out laughing.

The video was shared with the caption: “Yeh l̶ pati ka chakkar hai babu bhaiyaa [This rigmarole involves a husband].”

Needless to say, fans only had words of praise in the comments section. About Sunil Grover, one user said: “How can Sunil Sir be so funny spontaneously? Watched it more than 20 times.” Another fan said: “He literally can make people laugh even after openly forgetting the script, he is a great comedian.” A third user said: “This episode is gonna be very hilarious.”

Check out the video here:

In another promo, the Kaushal brothers confessed that as kids, they were petrified of guests coming home as the two would be asked to dance to entertain them.  That’s not all. Kapil is also seen teasing Sunny Kaushal about his rumoured relationship with actor Sharvari Wagh. He says, “Valentine’s Day should be on 14th ‘Sharvari’, oh sorry, 14th February.”  As Sunny Kaushal blushed and laughed, Vicky said, “He [Kapil] is not even waiting for your responses, punch pe punch aa raha hai.”

Meanwhile, in a recent interview with The Week magazine, Vicky Kaushal opened up about his “deep connection” with wife Katrina Kaif. The doting husband said: “My marriage to Katrina is the result of a deep connection at the core level. I appreciate her core and she appreciates mine. I do not want to make her a better person and she does not want to make me a better person. We are already in love with the person we are. What is new for us is how we are both growing together. Now that we are married, it is always about what is working for us, not me.”

On the work front, Vicky Kaushal will be seen in Bad Newz and Love and War.

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