You must have been living under a rock if you don’t know about the reunion of comedians Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma. The stars, who used to work together before their alleged fight, have joined forces again for Netflix’s show The Great Indian Kapil Show. Now, Sunil has shared a carousel of pictures from the first episode featuring the Kapoor family – Ranbir Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor, and Neetu Kapoor. In the Instagram post, the first photo features Sunil and Ranbir sharing a warm hug. Next, there is a shot of Sunil’s grand entry, coming out of a giant gift with a fire gun in one hand and a bubble gun in another. The last slide again showcases Sunil with the cold fire gun. The caption of Sunil’s post read, “Aminals!” along with a red emoji. For the unversed, during the show, Sunil and Ranbir performed the song Pehle Bhi Main from the film Animal.

After taking a look at Sunil Grover’s post, Internet users couldn’t help but share their reactions in the comment section. Actor Gautam Gulati posted a red heart. Singer and television actress Jaswir Kaur said, “You rocked it as always.” Singer Aditi Singh Sharma commented with a black heart emoji. Voice artist Sonal Kaushal wrote, “Shaandaar performance.”

A few days ago, Kapil Sharma celebrated his 43rd birthday, and the official Instagram page of The Great Indian Kapil Show shared a special video to wish him. In the clip, we can see Kapil at his funniest zone. Bonus: he interacts with team Amar Singh Chamkila – director Imtiaz Ali, Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra. Their film will be released on Netflix on April 12. The text accompanying the video read, “Humein humesha hasaane ke liye, thank you Kapil Sharma.”

The new episodes of The Great Indian Kapil Show are released on Netflix every Saturday at 8 PM.

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