On the occasion of his 35th birthday on Thursday, Vijay Deverakonda and the makers of his tentatively titled upcoming film SVC59 dropped the first look. Vijay shared the poster on X, hued in all red, depicting blood. Without revealing the face, the poster features a sword held by the actor. The actor shared the poster with the caption: ” ‘The blood on my hands is not of their death… but of my own rebirth…’ Ravi Kiran Kola X Vijay Deverakonda SVC Official.” The film production company Sri Venkateswara Creations also shared the announcement on their official X handle.

The caption read: “In blood, he’ll rise, reign and Ignite the Mass Ripples all over! #SVC59 – Vijay Deverakonda’s Mass Incarnation. A Ravi Kiran Kola’s Film #HBDTheVijayDeverakonda. Produced by #DilRaju – #Shirish SVC Official.”

Directed by Ravi Kiran Kola, the film is produced by Dil Raju and is reported to be a high-octane drama set in rural life. Other details about the film are still under wraps.

Vijay is currently busy with VD12 directed by Gautham Tinnanuri. It also stars Sreeleela.

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