The second week of October will witness a big box office clash. Tamil actor Suriya Sivakumar’s Kanguva, and Alia Bhatt’s Jigra are slated to hit the big screens just a day apart. Kanguva, a pan-Indian action drama, will premiere on October 10. Meanwhile, director Vasant Bala’s Jigra will be released on October 11. On Thursday, Suriya unveiled the release date of his ambitious project on social media. The actor has also shared a new poster of his character in the Siva directorial. In the poster, Suriya is standing on the edge of a cliff with a sword in his hand. “Dear all, it’s 10th October 2024,” he wrote. Suriya will share screen space with Bobby Deol in Kanguva. The Animal star will slip into the shoes of the antagonist Udhiran. The film also marks Disha Patani’s Tamil debut. Kanguva will be released in 3D and IMAX formats. The film has been backed by Studio Green and K. E. Gnanavel Raja.

Meanwhile, the makers of Alia Bhatt‘s Jigra announced the release date in June. 

Film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh highlighted the much-anticipated face-off on Instagram. “DUSSEHRA 2024 CLASH.  #Jigra [#AliaBhatt]. PAN-India film #Kanguva [#Suriya – #BobbyDeol]” the note read. 

According to news agency IANS, Kanguva will feature the biggest war sequence involving over 10,000 people.  A source close to the makers told IANS, “The makers, Studio Green, along with director Siva and the entire team, have worked on every aspect of the war sequences to do justice to the theme and subject. The film has the biggest war sequence, featuring Suriya, Bobby Deol, and more than 10,000 people. Right from the action, stunts, and visualisation of the entire war episodes, everything is being done under international expertise with an aim to deliver cinematic grandeur.”

Meanwhile, Jigra is co-produced by Alia Bhatt and Karan Johar. Alia will share the screen space with The Archies fame Vedang Raina. 

Alia Bhatt was last seen in Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. The Karan Johar film also featured Ranveer Singh, Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi and Jaya Bachchan. 

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