The first song, titled Tu Mil Gaya, from the upcoming Rajkummar Rao‘s film Srikanth – Aa Raha Hai Sabki Aankhein Kholne hit the airwaves on Monday. The track consists of a contemporary sound with elements of love and that warm and fuzzy feeling that one generally experiences at the onset of love. It has been composed by Tanishk Bagchi and captures the essence of love and affection between the protagonists, portrayed by Rajkummar Rao and Alaya F.
The track has been crooned by Jubin Nautiyal and Tulsi Kumar, with lyrics penned by Shloke Lal.
Sonically, the track includes dholak on the percussion and warm distorted guitar on the power chords, with the piano making a pleasant appearance.
The film, inspired by the life of industrialist Srikanth Bolla, also stars Jyotika and Sharad Kelkar, and has been helmed by Tushar Hiranandani.
Presented by Gulshan Kumar and T-Series, the film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar and Nidhi Parmar Hiranandani under the banners of T-Series Films and Chalk N Cheese Films Production LLP.
The film is set to release on May 10.