Actor Ayushmann Khurrana attended the Time 100 Gala in New York City and he did it in style. Ayushmann Khurrana had a memorable evening. He recently shared glimpses from the event on social media. The pictures offer a glimpse of his interactions with Hollywood actors and international singers. In one snapshot, Ayushmann is seen laughing with singer Dua Lipa. Ayushmann, sporting a collar-less black jacket and his signature tinted glasses, posed alongside Dua Lipa, who dazzled in a silver dress.
Another highlight was Ayushmann’s interaction with Pulp Fiction star Uma Thurman. The actress looks regal in a purple ensemble as she poses gracefully beside him. Ayushmann also seized the opportunity to click a picture with Dev Patel, best known for his roles in Slumdog Millionaire, Lion, and Monkey Man.
Reflecting on the experience, Ayushmann expressed gratitude for being part of the TIME 100 Gala. Captioning the post on Instagram, he wrote, “It is the Time of the disruptors! Honoured to be a part of the #TIME100 Gala this year and having met the most brilliant minds and artistes of our generation.” Take a look at the post below.
As soon as he dropped the post, several Internet users flooded the comment section. Many called Ayushmann’s meeting with Dua Lipa an “unexpected crossover.” A fan wrote, “A crossover we never knew we needed!”. Another one commented, “Ayushmann, living his best life and making all of us proud!”. A comment read, “Dua Lipa and Ayushmann in one frame? Iconic.” A social media user commented, “Uma Thurman and Ayushmann? Talk about star power.” Yet another one wrote, “This gala just got a whole lot more interesting with Ayushmann in the mix”.
Ayushmann’s accolades include being twice honoured by TIME Magazine: in 2023 with the TIME100 Impact Award, where he stood as the sole Indian recipient, and in 2020, he was named among the magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.
While Alia Bhatt represented Bollywood in the Time Influential 100 list this year, she was absent from the gala.
The star-studded event also saw the presence of luminaries such as Sofia Coppola, Elliot Page, Kylie Minogue, Max Verstappen, Michael J. Fox, Taraji P. Henson, Tory Burch and others.