Shivangi Joshi and Kushal Tandon, who shared screen space in the popular show Barsatein Mausam Pyaar Ka, have recently addressed the ongoing speculation surrounding their relationship status. Several reports stating that Shivangi and Kushal are romantically involved and are considering getting engaged soon have been circulating on the Internet. On Friday, Shivangi Joshi shared a cryptic post on her Instagram story. Her post read, “I love rumours. I always find out amazing things about myself I never knew.”

Following this, Kushal Tandon also shared a long note on his Instagram stories. Kushal refuted the engagement rumours and humorously questioned how such news could emerge while he was in Thailand for his martial arts training.

He wrote, “Yaar media wallloooo Ek bhath bathaooo, meri engagement horahiiii hain, our muje he nah pataaaaa ?????? I am here in Thailand training my martial arts. Aisaaaa kaiseee karletheee Hoon aaap log, atleast thoro tho authentication news ki rahkaaaa Karoo mere bhai log? Ye apkeee source hain kaun? (Hey media folks! Let me tell you something, I’m getting engaged and I didn’t even know about it??? I’m here in Thailand training in martial arts. How do you guys do this? At least verify the news properly, my brothers. Who are your sources anyway?)

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For the unversed, the rumours began after a News18 report stated that the actors were dating. As per the report, their bond reportedly grew while working together on Barsatein Mausam Pyaar Ka, which aired from July 2023 to February 2024. The sourced said, “Both of them are very private people and therefore, want to keep their relationship away from the public eye. They might announce their relationship when they feel the time is right.”

On the professional front, Shivangi Joshi rose to fame with her stint in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. She has also appeared in several shows including Balika Vadhu and Bekaboo among others. Kushal Tandon, on the other hand, was seen in Beyhadh, Bebeakee, Ek Hazaron Mein Meri Behna Hai and others.

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