Sensex crashed over 1,000 points on Friday afternoon due to profit-booking and a decline in the share prices of blue-chip Reliance Industries, wiping out gains made in initial trading. Its sister index Nifty fell 275 points (1.22%) since yesterday’s closing, hours after it reached its lifetime high of 22,793.90 points.

Sensex, a 30-share pack listed on Bombay Stock Exchange, was at 73,506 points at 1:40 pm while Nifty dipped to 22,366.

The biggest laggards from the Sensex basket are Bharti Airtel, Reliance Industries, Larsen & Toubro, Nestle, Maruti, and Tata Motors. As of 2:14 pm, Reliance is trading 2.95% below its previous closing while Airtel is at -3.22%.

Bajaj Finance and Bajaj Finserv are the only two Sensex stocks in the green, as per the 2 pm data on the BSE website. While Bajaj Finance was trading 1.6% higher, Bajaj Finserv was 0.5% higher.

Sensex had climbed 128 points to settle at 74,611.11 yesterday, while Nifty had gone up over 43 points to reach 22,648.20.

The Asian markets saw Hong Kong trading in the green, but Seoul and Shanghai quoting lower. On Thursday, Wall Street had ended with gains.

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