A popular Russian influencer delighted her Indian fans after she documented a visit to Mumbai’s renowned Siddhi Vinayak Temple. Mariia Chugurova, who currently lives in Goa, shared her experience of visiting the revered landmark and called it a ”truly special day.”
The video opens to show Ms Chugurova, dressed in traditional attire, buying a pooja thali and then patiently standing in a long queue at the temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha. After offering prayers, she interacted with people who recognised her and graciously posed for pictures with them. She also urged others to visit the temple.
”Even when it’s so crowded, so many people, everybody pushing you, everybody trying to move you because you need to do this very fast. But you still have such a blessed feeling. You can’t explain this,” the vlogger said in the video.
Sharing the video on Instagram, she wrote, ”Today was a truly special day as I had the opportunity to visit one of Mumbai’s most revered and iconic landmarks: The Siddhi Vinayak Temple.”
Explaining how she felt inside the temple, she added, ”The energy within the temple was palpable, and the sense of community was heartwarming. It was a reminder of the power of faith and the unifying force of shared beliefs. Joining the long queue of devotees, I felt a profound sense of connection with everyone around me, each person carrying their hopes, dreams, and prayers. I left the temple with a heart full of blessings and a mind at peace, grateful for the experience and the chance to be part of something so timeless and beautiful!”
Watch the video here:
Needless to say, users loved the video and appreciated her for respecting Indian culture and traditions.
One user said, ”She is enjoying Indian culture.” Another commented, ”That’s called the magic of ganpati bappa.” A third said, ”May Lord Ganesha bless you.”
Ms Chugurova has 3.5 million followers on Instagram and often shares videos of her visit to several places in India.