Ruslaan seems to be struggling to resonate with movie buffs. On its first Saturday (day 9), the film reportedly failed to sell any tickets, closing at zero revenue, as per a Sacnilk report. Up to now, the action-packed movie has garnered ₹4 crore at the domestic box office. Directed by Karan Butani, Ruslaan features Aayush Sharma in the titular role. He portrays the son of a dead terrorist, who is later adopted by a police officer. The film also features Sushrii Mishraa, Vidya Malvade, Jagapathi Babu, and Sangay Tsheltrim in significant roles. Ruslaan has been produced by KK Radhamohan’s Sri Sathya Sai Arts.
Ruslaan marks the Bollywood debut of Sushrii Mishraa, who plays the role of Vaani in the movie. A few days ago, the actress shared a series of pictures and videos on Instagram, featuring behind-the-scenes fun from the film’s set. In her caption, Sushrii expressed her gratitude towards the Ruslaan team, by writing, “This one’s to the silent hero’s where I learnt to bring myself to the table,who’s brought out the best in me and where I learnt to brush off my bruises like dust. To best director Karan Butani ,the kindest DOP Srinivas Reddy and the coolest action masters Vikram Dahiya, Dinesh Subbarayan, and the bestest team of the incredibly talented stuntmen who taught me more about life, passion and humility .”
Meanwhile, in an NDTV review, film critic Saibal Chatterjee gave Ruslaan 1.5 out of 5 stars. He wrote, “The character of Ruslaan is an extension because the story begins with a Muslim terrorist receiving his comeuppance. The onus on his son, the lone survivor of the family, to work extremely hard to clear his name.”
“Ruslaan, for all the deafening noise that it makes about the hero’s unwavering, steely loyalty, emphatically reinforces the good Muslim-bad Muslim binary. The bad is exceedingly bad; the good is immeasurably good,” Saibal Chatterjee added.