BJP leader Navneet Rana, a day after she was booked for violating the poll code, challenged AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi to stop her when she comes to Hyderabad. Her remarks came as a response to Mr Owaisi saying that his younger brother Akbaruddin is a ‘canon’ that they are keeping under control.

Ms Rana said that devotees are now roaming across every street in India and they keep such cannons outside their house for decoration.

“Owaisi in a speech said that he has kept his brother under control and he is a cannon. We keep such cannons outside our house for decoration. Ram bhakts and Modi ji’s lions are roaming every street across India now. I am coming to Hyderabad, I would like to see who stops me,” Ms Rana said in a video on X.

Earlier, Ms Rana had attacked Mr Owaisi and his brother by saying that if police were removed from duty for “15 seconds, the brothers would not know from where they came and where they went”.

The comments drew flak from Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and Asaduddin Owaisi.

And in other comments also seen as being in poor taste, she declared Madhavi Latha would “definitely stop Hyderabad from turning into Pakistan” and claimed that anyone voting for either the Congress or the AIMIM would simply be voting in favour of Pakistan.

Ms Rana, a former independent MP from Maharashtra’s Amravati, was recently charged with violation of the poll code for saying that “a vote to Congress is a vote for Pakistan”.

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