After the teaser of the much-awaited film Ulajh, actor Rajkummar Rao gave a shout-out to his Mr and Mrs Mahi co-star Janhvi Kapoor. Sharing the teaser, he wrote on his Instagram stories, “Looks fab Mrs Mahi. Looking forward to #Ulajh @janhvikapoor @jungleepictures.”
Makers of Ulajh on Wednesday dropped the teaser of the film starring Janhvi Kapoor in the lead role. In the 56-second video, Jahnvi is shown determined to seek revenge on those who betrayed her and her country.
Sharing the teaser on her Instagram, the ‘Mili’ actress wrote, “Enter the world of lies, deceit and betrayals- #Ulajh in cinemas on the 5th of July.”
Directed by National Award winner Sudhanshu Saria, the film also stars Gulshan Devaiah and Roshan Mathew, of The Poacher fame, in lead roles.
Produced by Junglee Pictures, the project follows the journey of a young IFS officer, belonging to a prominent family of patriots, who gets embroiled in a dangerous personal conspiracy while far from her home turf, at a career-defining post. It is written by Parveez Shaikh and Sudhanshu Saria, with dialogues by Atika Chohan.
It also stars Rajesh Tailang, Meiyang Chang, Sachin Khedekar, Rajendra Gupta and Jitendra Joshi in pivotal roles.
‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ marks the second collaboration between Janhvi Kapoor and RajKummar Rao after their successful stint in ‘Roohi.’
The film promises to be a captivating sports drama, offering audiences a compelling narrative coupled with stellar performances from the lead actors.
On Monday, the makers shared the new poster introducing the characters.
Taking to Instagram, producer Karan Johar treated fans with new poster and captioned the post, “It’s time to follow YOUR dreams, the field is yours to own!
#MrAndMrsMahi in cinemas on May 31st, 2024!”
The poster captures Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor facing the stadium as they cheer for the Indian cricket team while wearing blue jerseys with the number 7 written on it.
The poster also introduces Janhvi as Mahima and RajKummar as Mahendra.
Originally slated for an April release, the sports drama is now set to hit cinemas on May 31, 2024.