Veteran Indian cricket team batter Cheteshwar Pujara sent social media into frenzy after a cryptic post hinted towards a possible move to Chennai Super Kings in IPL 2024. “#SupperKings looking forward to join you guys this season!” Pujara posted on social media platform X (formerly Twitter). The social media post caught fans by surprise ahead of CSK’s much-anticipated IPL 2024 encounter against Mumbai Indians on Sunday and the users were quick to give their opinions on the possible move. Pujara had previously played for the franchise back in 2021 but he did not play a single game for them.
The social media was split over Pujara’s potential arrival in CSK as some praised it as a good decision by the franchise to bolster their ranks while some thought he will not provide value in T20 cricket.
#SupperKings looking forward to join you guys this season!
— Cheteshwar Pujara (@cheteshwar1) April 14, 2024
Chennai Super Kings have enjoyed a mixed run of form in the competition till now with three wins and two losses. However, they will have a tough challenge ahead of them when they face a Mumbai Indians side which has rediscovered its form after losing three matches on the trot in IPL 2024.
@ChennaiIPL he is coming
— Vijay_GreZz_ReturnzZ (@thalapathy96196) April 14, 2024
When it comes to head-to-head in the IPL, MI have a 21-17 advantage over CSK with a 7-4 win-loss advantage in matches which were played at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. CSK have actually lost two out of their last three match that they have played at the venue.
Don’t tell me It’s what am
— Hustler (@HustlerCSK) April 14, 2024
Things can also get better for MI skipper Hardik Pandya who was previously booed by the crowd in the franchise’s home ground. However, during the match against Royal Challengers Bengaluru, Virat Kohli urged the crowd to support Hardik and the reaction was vastly different from that point.
Chants of “Hardik Hardik” was heard during the match against CSK may find themselves in a match where MI will enjoy a huge support from their home crowd.