Director Sekhar Kammula’s upcoming project Kubera has been shrouded in secrecy. The film features Rashmika Mandanna and Dhanush in the lead. Recently, a video and some photos from Mumbai sets have been doing the rounds on the Internet. In the video, Dhanush and Rashmika are seen making their way to the sets, accompanied by their security personnel. Dhanush, sporting a semi-casual suit, presents a stark contrast to his previous pauper look teased in the film’s initial poster, while Rashmika opts for a simple green churidar. While the storyline remains a mystery, several reports suggest that the film may revolve around the theme of wealth, given the title’s reference to the Hindu god of wealth.

Earlier this year, several photos from Tirupathi sets went viral on social media. It depicted Dhanush as a beggar in a fight sequence. For the unversed, the production faced hurdles during shoots in hilly terrains, leading to delays in the project’s timeline.

Joining the cast is Telugu star Nagarjuna, who is rumoured to portray a cop in the bilingual Tamil-Telugu production. Kubera will be released in multiple languages including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, and Malayalam.

In addition to Kubera, Dhanush is immersed in other projects, including Raayan, a gangster drama set in North Madras, where he directs and plays the lead role. Simultaneously, he is working on Nilavukku Enmel Ennadi Kobam, a young adult rom-com. Furthermore, Dhanush will also portray music maestro Ilaiyaraaja in his biopic, directed by Arun Matheshwaran. The film is still in its early stages.

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