Sohail Khan’s Eid party in Mumbai last night was a starry affair. We got a glimpse of the inside pictures courtesy Deanne Panday and other celebrities. Deanne Panday, one of the guests at the party, shared photos with Bobby Deol, Arpita Khan Sharma, Alizeh Agnihotri and other guests on her Instagram profile and she wrote, “Eid Mubarak. Every year it’s celebrated with my family who I love so much unconditionally.” Sohail’s sister Arpita Khan Sharma re-posted Kanchi Kaul’s Instagram story, which also features Genelia D’Souza and she wrote, “Cherishing Eid moments with my favourite girls.” Check out the picture here:

This is what Deanne Panday posted:

Deanne Panday also shared pictures with Salman Khan’s niece and actor Alizeh Agnihotri.

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Vatsal Sheth and Ishitta Dutta also posted some inside photos from the party on Instagram. They shared pictures with Bobby Deol, Sohail Khan. They captioned the post, “Eid Celebration with friends.”Take a look at the photos:

Bobby Deol made his Bollywood debut with the 1995 film Barsaat, co-starring Twinkle Khanna. He has starred in films like Soldier, Badal, Gupt, Race 3, Jhoom Barabar Jhoom and Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo, to name a few.

His is basking in the success of Animal with Ranbir Kapoor, Anil Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna. Bobby Deol will also feature in the second installment of the 2007 film Apne with his dad Dharmendra and brother Sunny Deol. The film will also star Sunny’s son Karan Deol. He will also star in Aryan Khan’s directorial debut, he revealed during Karan Johar’s chat show Koffee With Karan 8.

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