Diljit Dosanjh is currently busy with his Dil-Luminati Tour. The singer, who has been performing across India, made his latest stop in Mumbai on Thursday. During the concert, Diljit addressed the advisory issued against him by the Maharashtra government. The advisory prohibited the singer from performing songs that promote drugs, violence, and alcohol. It also banned the use of children on stage during his performance. In a video shared on Instagram by Team Dosanjh, the singer assured that despite the challenges, he will make sure his fans have “double the fun” at his concert. The video begins with Diljit Dosanjh saying, “I asked my team yesterday, ‘Has any advisory been issued?’ They said everything is fine. I woke up in the morning only to find out that an advisory had been issued. Don’t worry, all the advisories are for me. You’ve come to have fun, I’ll make sure you have double the fun.”
Diljit Dosanjh adds, “Mujhe toh yahi sikhne ko mila ki zindagi aur duniya aap pe jitna marzi zeher phenke woh isko kabhi bhi apne andar mat lejana (I have learnt from this that no matter how much poison is thrown at you, you should not take that inside).”
He adds, “Maine toh yahi sikha. Aap apne kaam mein kabhi nahi aane do. Log aapko rokenge, tokenge, jitna marzi zor lagaye, aap apne aap ko andar se disturb na hone de. Enjoy kare, maza kare (I have learnt that. Don’t let it affect your work. People will bother and interrupt you, will try their best, but never let that disturb you).”
Diljit Dosanjh ends his speech by recreating Allu Arjun’s iconic move from Pushpa 2 and says, “Ye Jhukega Nahi”. The side note on the post read, “The positive You see in Me is a Reflection of You.”
During his tour in India, Diljit Dosanjh has performed in Chandigarh, Pune, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Indore, and Jaipur. His tour will conclude after his performance in Guwahati on December 29.