Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s aide Bibhav Kumar, accused of assaulting Aam Aadmi Party MP Swati Maliwal, has been denied bail by a city court. The order came after Ms Maliwal broke down in court and alleged that his bail would place her and her family in danger.
Ms Maliwal, a member of Rajya Sabha and former chief of Delhi Women’s Commission, has alleged that Bibhav Kumar assaulted her at the Chief Minister’s residence on May 13.
Mr Kejriwal’s aide has accused Ms Mailwal of trying to force her way into the Chief Minister’s residence and said he had just tried to stop her.
AAP, which earlier said Bibhav Kumar “misbehaved” with Ms Maliwal and will face action, has later accused her of being part of a BJP conspiracy against Mr Kejriwal.