Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson recently welcomed their first child. Days after the couple announced the good news on social media, Suki Waterhouse shared pictures of her postpartum body and opened up about her postpartum journey. On Instagram, Suki Waterhouse shared mirror selfies. The series of photos showed her wearing an open cardigan and a bralette, baring her belly. In her caption, she reflected on the “humbling” experience of the fourth trimester, filled with joy, laughter, tears, and hormonal changes. Suki Waterhouse expressed pride in her “body’s achievements” and the “kindness she’s shown herself” during recovery.
In her note, Suki Waterhouse wrote, “The fourth trimester has been… humbling! The postpartum period has been filled with exhilarating joy, so much laughter, tears, soo many hormones! I’m proud of everything my body has achieved and proud of the kindness and grace I’ve given myself during this recovery period.”
As soon as she dropped the post, several fans praised the actress for being “real” about her postpartum body and journey. A fan wrote, “Thank you for being so real about what we go through after we deliver our precious angels. The hormones, the sleepless nights., the sheer joy and wonder of how such a little human can make your heart burst. It’s a journey, take the time heal and enjoy. Life takes one whole new meaning now. You are a mom. The greatest gift. Wish you health and happiness.”
Another one commented, “Thank you for showing your real postpartum body. It gives courage to women out there. While an Internet user wrote, “Mother is literally mothering right now,” another one commented, “Being kind to yourself is such a blessing! glad you’re riding all the emotions and feeling all the love. my gorgeous girl, I’m so full of happiness for you.”
Earlier this month, Suki Waterhouse shared the first glimpse of their newborn on Instagram. The photo showed the new mom gazing lovingly at her swaddled infant. Captioning the photo on Instagram, she wrote “Welcome to the world angel.”
Last month, news surfaced that Suki Waterhouse and her fiance Robert Pattinson, had welcomed their first child together. The couple was spotted in Los Angeles pushing a pink stroller. Robert Pattinson sported a MoMA sweatshirt and a Patagonia jacket, while Suki Waterhouse opted for a black trench coat, baseball cap, and sunglasses.
— giulia (@thomspttnsn) March 26, 2024
For the unversed, Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson have been romantically linked since 2018, making their first public appearance in December 2022 at the Dior Men’s Fall 2023 show in Giza, Egypt. Their relationship progressed further when they purchased a California home together in February, reportedly for $5.3 million. Making another rare appearance at the 2023 Met Gala, Robert Pattinson sported a Dior tuxedo with unique detailing, while Suki Waterhouse shone in a sheer Fendi dress adorned with floral embroidery.
Reflecting on their “private relationship” in a 2019 interview with The Sunday Times, Robert Pattinson expressed their choice to keep their love private, stating, “If you let people in, it devalues what love is.”