South-Indian star Nagarjuna posted an apology on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Monday. The note comes after a video of his bodyguard pushing a differently-abled person went viral. In the clip, Nagarjuna is seen walking towards his car at the airport. We can also spot actor Dhanush in the frame. A few seconds later, a cafe worker attempts to approach Nagarjuna, but before he can greet the star, Nagarjuna’s bodyguard pushes him, nearly causing him to fall. After the incident, Nagarjuna continues walking, while Dhanush looks back several times but does not interact with the fan.

Resharing the video, Nagarjuna wrote, “This just came to my notice … this shouldn’t have happened!! I apologise to the gentleman and will take necessary precautions so that it will not happen in the future !!”

The post shared by the paparazzi page has garnered a lot of attention on social media.

A user wrote, “This is wrong at so many levels, itna attitude kis baat ka [What’s the reason for such an attitude?]”

Another one added, “So insensitive.. is that how you treat elders?”

A few claimed that Nagarjuna is the “most arrogant actor in Tollywood.”

Kuch jyada hi ghamand hai [There’s a bit too much arrogance.]” read a comment.

Highlighting how the fan is “physically challenged”, a person wrote, “For people who don’t know, that yellow guy is a physically challenged person who works there in the cafe. If you see other posts, he often gets excited when he sees actors and goes for selfies. Unfortunately, these people didn’t know who he was and they pushed him.”

In terms of work, Nagarjuna was last seen in the Telugu film Bangarraju, where he played a double role. The movie was directed by Kalyan Krishna Kurasala and also featured Naga Chaitanya, Ramya Krishna, and Krithi Shetty.

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