Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur, who was recently seen in film Family Star alongside Vijay Deverakonda, opened up about her discomfort with regard to doing intimate scenes on screen. In an interview with iDiva, the actress shared how she lost on a lot of films because her parents would not approve of them and she was not comfortable either. Mrunal said: “I was not really comfortable doing scenes which were intimate, like romantically. I would just get scared, I’d just say no to a film, but how long could I say no? There was a point I had to sit down with my parents and tell them that ‘Papa, I cannot miss a part because sometimes it’s there, it’s not my choice.”

She further continued, “As much as I wanted to do a film, I had to drop because there was a kissing scene involved. As an actor, you need to be ready because sometimes that’s the demand (of the scene). If you are not comfortable, you can tell, you can talk about it but I kept missing out on films because of that.”

In an earlier interview with Humans Of Bombay,  the Love Sonia actress opened up about finding a balance between work and life. “It’s important to balance life and career but you’re always trying to figure out how to strike that balance. I know relationships are tough, and that’s why you need to find the right partner who understands the nature of your job.” On being asked about freezing her eggs as actress Mona Singh did, Mrunal Thakur said, “Freezing eggs, yes, I’m also considering that.”

Mrunal Thakur was last seen in Family Star alongside Vijay Deverakonda. Previously she was seen in Hi Nanna opposite Nani. She will soon star in Pooja Meri Jaan

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