Deepika Padukone, who is expecting her first child with actor-husband Ranveer Singh, shared a picture of her work-in-progress artwork. The pictures happens to be from a patch of her embroidery session. Deepika Padukone captioned the post, “Hopefully I’ll be able to share the completed version.” Shweta Bachchan dropped heart-eyed emoji on the post. Badminton ace and Deepika Padukone’s friend PV Sindhu dropped heart emoji in the comments section. A comment from an Instagram user read, “Can’t wait to see the result I know you can do it.” Another one added, “We are waiting.” A third comment on the post read, “You will and we will be waiting queen.” Another user added, “Oh my God this is so cool.”
Check out Deepika Padukone’s post here:
Last week, Deepika Padukone shared a picture of her tan lines and she simply added beach-related emojis. In the comments section, Ranveer Singh wrote, “Sigh #TakeMeBack to the Slow Life.”
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are expecting their first child. The star couple announced that they are expecting their first child in an Instagram post on February 29. They also mentioned that the baby is due in September.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh had two wedding ceremonies in 2018. The couple had an intimate destination wedding in Italy’s Lake Como with only close friends and family in attendance. They later hosted grand receptions in Bengaluru and Mumbai. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone started dating in 2012 and they got secretly engaged in 2015, they revealed on Karan Johar’s chat show Koffee With Karan 8 last year.