Priyanka Chopra’s daughter, Malti Marie, holds the title of “chief troublemaker” on the sets of her upcoming project. Priyanka took to Instagram stories and shared an ID card featuring a QR code and Malti’s picture. The card displayed Heads of State at the top, while at the bottom, it humorously stated “Malti Chief Troublemaker”.
On Friday, the actress shared a series of images showcasing moments with her daughter, Malti Marie, on the sets in France, where she is reportedly filming for the movie.
In the pictures, Priyanka could be seen sharing laughter with little Malti sitting on her lap, surrounded by other crew members.
Another image captured Priyanka engaging in playful moments with her daughter, accompanied by love and an emotional emoji.
The film also features Idris Elba and John Cena and is an action-comedy directed by Ilya Naishuller.