Manisha Koirala has been making headlines ever since the first look of the Netflix series Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar was unveiled. The actress plays Mallikajaan, described as the“scheming” figure who “rules over an elite house of courtesans” in British-ruled India. Now, before the series’ release, Manisha Koirala has spoken about her personal and professional life. In an interaction with Zoom, the actress was asked to share her thoughts about the Khans of Bollywood – Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan. The actress has worked with SRK in Dil Se and Guddu. With Aamir Khan, she shared screen space in Akele Hum Akele Tum and Mann. Manisha and Salman Khan worked together in Sangdil Sanam. Starting with SRK, the actress said: “I feel Shah Rukh Khan is – and probably, will be forever – the biggest star. He is somebody who is also very wise in some sense. What I liked about him even then is that he would sit on the floor and drink tea, despite being a big star. I like people who are rooted despite their success.”
“Aamir Khan is a very good actor and the manner in which he has acted in films over the last 10-15 years, and has increased his level [of craft] – to that I say, ‘Hats off’. He is different in every film and he strives to be his character, not Aamir Khan. I have heard the same quality in Kamal Haasan’s film. Kamal ji is different in every film, every role,” she said, adding: “As an actor, when I see them, I wish for similar chances that allow me to be different in each role and Manisha Koirala is not visible and the character remains.”
“I know Salman Khan is a good man, with a generous heart. I know that he does a lot of charity. While he doesn’t speak about this much, he has helped several cancer patients,” said Manisha Koirala, who is a cancer survivor herself.
“He is also a big star. His style is a hit with the masses. My mom liked him a lot. He has spontaneity and he is free of artificiality,” she added about Salman Khan.
Earlier in an interview with Radio City, she had said: “All the three Khans are great actors. All three are superstars… I loved and enjoyed working with them. They are good people.”
Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar will be released on May 1. About the project, she said: “I waited 28 years for Sanjay to call me and it’s been a pleasure. It’s an honour to be working with that genius. A lot of hard work and pyaar mohabbat has gone into making Heeramandi. We have made the show with so much love, and we expect you all to love it.”
The period drama features a stellar ensemble cast including Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chadha, Sanjeeda Sheikh and Sharmin Segal.