Malaika Arora, who launched a restaurant with son Arhaan, shared advices for married women or women who are planning to get married. Malaika, who lives life on her own terms, advised women to hold onto their identities even after marriage. The Chaiyya Chaiyya actor believes women should keep their finances separate after they get married. 

Speaking to Curly Tales, Malaika Arora said, “Independent rakho baba. Jo tera hai voh tera hai, jo mera hai voh mera hai (what’s yours is mine). I mean, when you get married or you’re with someone, you try to infuse… you know, try to fuse a situation where you want to make everything one. But I feel it’s very important to have your own identity.”

She added, “It’s good that you’re doing things together but that doesn’t mean you kind of give up your entire identity and take on someone else’s. As it is you’re taking on somebody else’s last name, right? So I think the least you can do is hang on to your own bank account.”

Malaika Arora’s love life has been under public scrutiny ever since Arjun Kapoor confirmed his single status a couple of months ago. Malaika had shared cryptic posts on her Instagram stories following Arjun’s announcement.

At the Diwali bash hosted by Raj Thackeray in Mumbai’s Shivaji Park last month, Arjun said, “Nahin ab main single hoon, relax karo (No, I am now single. Relax),” while interacting with media. The paparazzi video became viral in no time. The Diwali party was also attended by his Singham Again co-stars Ajay Devgn, Tiger Shroff, and director Rohit Shetty.

Despite parting ways, Arjun Kapoor stood by Malaika through thick and thin after her father’s tragic death in September. Arjun Kapoor was pictured condoling his ex-girlfriend and interacting with her family members after the tragic incident.

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