Actress Arushi Sharma, who rose to fame with her stint in Imtiaz Ali’s film Love Aaj Kal 2 recently got married. Arushi Sharma’s wedding with Vaibhav Vishant took place on Thursday (April 18). For the unversed, Vaibhav Vishant is a casting director. Arushi Sharma, on the other hand, starred alongside Sara Ali Khan and Kartik Aaryan in Love Aaj Kal2. While the cocktail party was held a day before their wedding, the haldi ceremony took place on the morning of the wedding day.
Several photos from Arushi Sharma’s wedding have been doing the rounds on social media. In one of the pictures, the couple looks lost in each other’s eyes during the gatbandhan rituals. They were their happiest selves while posing for the photos.
In another photo, Arushi Sharma and Vaibhav Vishant are seen standing on a stage decorated with rose petals, happily posing for the camera after exchanging garlands. Arushi looked stunning in a peachy, intricately embroidered lehenga choli paired with a tulle dupatta and broad Kundan jewellery. Vaibhav complemented her look in an ivory sherwani with floral patterns and a matching turban.
Take a look at the post here.
Arushi’s acting journey began with a small role in Imtiaz Ali’s Tamasha, but it was her performance in Love Aaj Kal 2 that catapulted her into the limelight in 2020. Since then, she has been a part of several films. She was also seen in the Netflix film Jadugar and the series Kala Paani.