Actress Arushi Sharma, best known for her role opposite Kartik Aaryan in Love Aaj Kal [2020], married casting director Vaibhav Vishant on April 18. Now days after the wedding, the actress has shared a video replete with glimpses of their dreamy ceremony. The clip also shows bits of the cocktail party that was held a day before their wedding and the haldi ceremony took place on the morning of the wedding day. The special video begins with a shot of the picturesque wedding location, nestled amidst the Sivalik Hills. About choosing to get married in Chail, Himachal Pradesh, Arushi said: “I belong to the mountains. I am a Pahadi girl and I wanted to start my journey from here.” About her husband Vaibhav, she added: “He is exactly that person I needed in my life.”
Vaibhav also spoke about marrying the love of his life. “It is not about us being similar. It is just that we fit in right. Everything about her is damn beautiful,” he said about Arushi.
Sharing the video, Arushi wrote: “Our dream [heart emoji] Our story. Thanks to the brilliant @manvigandotra and her exceptional team @1plus1studio from Bangalore for doing this for us and immortalising & weaving together every aspect of our special day so beautifully. You guys are the best.”
Check out the video here:
Before this, Arushi Sharma had shared several images from the wedding. In the caption, she wrote: “ Forever etched in the fabric of time-18.04.2024. In a quiet corner of the world, with the mountains as our witness, we whispered promises in each other’s tender embrace. Thank you everyone for filling our hearts with so much joy and blessings.”
Actor Gurfateh Pirzada wished the couple: “Congratulations guys.” Actor Amey Wagh, Arushi’s co-star in Kaala Paani, said, “Congratulations guys! Honeymoon ke liye Andaman jaana.” Actress Sanjana Sanghi commented, “Love and only love to you cuties.” Award-winning choreographer Vijay Ganguly added, “Congratulations to you both!!!”
Arushi Sharma stepped into Bollywood with a supporting role in the 2015 film Tamasha. As mentioned above, it was her portrayal in Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal [2020] that propelled her to fame. Her other notable works include Jadugar and Kala Paani.