Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra, known for his influential presence on the internet, never ceases to amaze us with his social media posts. He often shares fascinating and inspirational stories that pique the interest of his 11 million followers. This time, Mr Mahindra was left impressed with the newly inaugurated Thalassery-Mahe national highway bypass in the south. “Like a skyscraper lying down flat on its side,” the business tycoon wrote while sharing a stunning picture of the 18.6 kilometres six-lane bypass. 

“At first it looked like a concrete imposition on the natural landscape. But it has its own aesthetic. And I can’t deny the temptation to cruise down it and appreciate the beauty on either side,” Mr Mahindra added. 

Take a look below: 

Mr Mahindra shared the picture of the bypass just a day back and since then it has accumulated more than 221,000 views and nearly 5,000 likes. Internet users flooded the comments section with various reactions. 

“This serve as a great example of India’s rising dominance in infrastructure arena,” wrote one user. “insanely beautiful and fascinating!! driving on this would be so much cool with the scenery,” expressed another. 

“Absolutely! It’s amazing how infrastructure can sometimes enhance rather than detract from the environment,” commented a third user. “At first glance, it appears to be solar panels embedded on motorway,” said another. 

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“It’s Beauty of this land make everything even man made concrete bridge more beautiful #GodsOwnCountry,” wrote one user. 

“Wow.. it’s a unique charm, almost like a modern architectural marvel melding with the natural surrounding,” commented an X user.

Thalassery-Mahe National Highway bypass stretches from Muzhapilangad in the Kannur district to Azhiyoor in Kozhikode. The highway includes four big bridges, a railway flyover and many underpasses and overpasses. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the bypass on March 11. 

Meanwhile, Anand Mahindra recently made headlines for offering a job to a 13-year-old girl from Uttar Pradesh who displayed admirable presence of mind when she used an Alexa device to fend off a monkey attack. Impressed, Mr Mahindra praised her “quick thinking” on X, writing, “The story of this young girl provides comfort that technology will always be an ENABLER of human ingenuity. Her quick thinking was extraordinary. What she demonstrated was the potential for leadership in an entirely unpredictable world.”

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