Nitesh Tiwari’s upcoming project Ramayana is making all the right noises. In the film, Ranbir Kapoor portrays the role of Lord Rama. Recently, Lara Dutta, who is rumoured to be playing Kaikeyi (Lord Rama’s stepmother) in the film, opened up about the speculations. In a conversation with, Lara Dutta said, “I am hearing it a lot as well. I am leaving the rumours out there. I also like reading and hearing about them so please continue. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of Ramayana? There were so many characters I would have loved to play if it was offered to me – Surpanakha, Mandodari, I am playing them all (laughs).”
The rumours surrounding Lara Dutta playing the role of Kaikeyi started making rounds when a series of pictures from the sets of Ramayana went viral. In these images, Lara Dutta, Arun Govil, and Sheeba Chaddha can be seen in their costumes. Reportedly, Arun Govil, known for his portrayal of Lord Rama in the 1987 TV series Ramayan, has reportedly been cast as Dashrath. Additionally, Sheeba Chaddha to play Ravana’s sister, Surpanakha.
A fan club shared the pictures on X (formerly known as Twitter) with the caption: “Shoot for the biggest movie of Indian Cinema – Ramayana has started. Casting is already looking, I have high hopes from this one directed by very talented Nitish Tiwari.”
Shoot for The BIGGEST movie of Indian Cinema – RAMAYANA has started. ????
Casting is already looking ????, I have high hopes from this one directed by very talented Nitish Tiwari ????#ArunGovil #LaraDutta #Ramayana #RanbirKapoor #Yash #SaiPallavi #Ramayan ????
— αbhι¹⁸ (@CricCineHub) April 4, 2024
Before that, Ranbir Kapoor’s photos with his archery coach had the Internet’s attention. The snaps hinted at the actor’s preparatory sessions for the film.
Take a look:
RK with ????archery coach ????????#recentclicks
— Ranbir Kapoor ????❤️ (@Khushali_rk) March 25, 2024
Meanwhile, TV actor Ravi Dubey is reportedly playing the role of Lakshman in Ramayana. As per an ETimes report, “The makers have finally found their Lakshman, and it is none other than TV actor Ravi Dubey.”
The actor is best known for daily soaps like Jamai Raja, Ranbir Rano, Saas Bina Sasural, and 12/24 Karol Bagh.
In Ramayana, Sai Pallavi is reportedly portraying the character of Goddess Sita.