Bengaluru: In a significant ruling, the High Court of Karnataka has overturned the criminal charges against 375 individuals accused of participating in a riot in Padarayanpur during the Covid-19 lockdown period, where they allegedly obstructed the duties of Greater Bangalore Municipal Corporation (BBMP) officials.

The decision came from a single-member bench presided over by Justice K. Natarajan, who upheld the criminal petitions filed by Nawaz Pasha and other accused individuals.

During the court proceedings, State Public Prosecutor- BN Jagadish presented the prosecution’s argument, stating, “On the evening of April 19, 2020, BBMP officials ventured to Padarayanpur to apprehend 58 individuals infected with Covid-19. Upon arrival, those gathered at the site purportedly wielded knives, sticks, and rods, obstructing the Asha workers, doctors, and BBMP officers from carrying out their duties. They vandalized property, including chairs, tables, and tents, besides causing damage to public property on adjacent roads.”

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In opposition, the petitioner’s counsel contended, “The petitioner and others have no association with the alleged incident. They reside elsewhere, and the police indiscriminately charged unrelated individuals without identifying the actual culprits. Moreover, there was no list of infected persons present when BBMP officials arrived at the scene. Although termed a riot, no injuries were reported, and hence, the case should be dismissed.”

Upon deliberation, the bench acknowledged violations of sections 172 to 188 of the Indian Penal Code-1860, along with various provisions of the Disaster Management Act. However, it noted the absence of a formal complaint from the competent authority regarding the incident.

Additionally, while 51 individuals were confirmed to be infected with Covid-19 during the BBMP’s operation in Padarayanpur, the court found no documented evidence identifying the infected individuals in the charge sheet.

Moreover, despite the police filing cases against over 120 individuals, no property damage occurred during the alleged riot, and no items were seized. Consequently, the court ruled to quash the case against all accused parties, citing discrepancies in witness statements and the absence of substantive evidence.

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