Superstar Aamir Khan is the next guest on the hit Netflix show The Great Indian Kapil Show, hosted by actor-comedian Kapil Sharma. The new promo features the actor being welcomed onto the show amid thunderous applause. Kapil Sharma is seen expressing his joy and welcomes Aamir Khan– known for staying away from most parties and award shows – to the stage. He adds that he cannot believe Aamir Khan is on stage with him. At this point, Sunil Grover, dressed in Aamir’s PK garb – says, “Why not? If we’ve been paid Rs 1,500, then we will come.” At this, Aamir Khan agrees with Sunil Grover and says, “Yes! Yes! We will come in Rs 1,500.” During one of the segments, Kapil Sharma asks Aamir, “Aapko nahi lagta, ab aapko bhi settle hojana chahiye? [Don’t you think you should also settle?]” After listening to this question, Aamir is seen blushing. For those who don’t know, Aamir and filmmaker Kiran Rao, who were married for 15 years, announced their divorce in July 2021. The two continue to co-parent their son – Azad. Aamir was previously married to Reena Dutta and they have two children.

Next, Aamir Khan also revealed that his kids do not listen to him. Then the star also spoke about his much-discussed fashion sense. “You see, there has been a long discussion to finalise what I am wearing today! My idea was to come here in shorts though, but they told me to wear jeans,” he revealed.

Aamir Khan also shared that his last two films had not done well. “But even your films that don’t perform well, still do a lot of business!” Kapil Sharma gushed. When asked why he does not attend award shows, Aamir Khan answered: “Waqt bahut keemti hai. Uska sahi istemaal karna chahiye [Time is precious. You should use it wisely].”

Speaking about the iconic poster from the film PK, featuring Aamir Khan confidently holding a radio and wearing nothing but his “alien” expression, Aamir shared with Kapil Sharma and the audience, “During filming, I had to run around here and there. Walking was manageable, but once I started running, things got interesting.”

Aamir Khan’s sisters Nikhat Khan and Farhat Khan are also seen sharing a laugh, seated among the audience. 

The promo was shared on YouTube with the caption: “Get ready for an up-close revelation of secrets from Aamir Khan as he graces the sets of The Great Indian Kapil Show for the first time!”

The first episode of The Great Indian Kapil Show featured Ranbir Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor, and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni as guests. Vicky Kaushal attended the second episode with Sunny Kaushal.

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