Internet users are excited to see their favourite comedians collaborate and generate content that will surely go viral. Kapil Sharma, television’s top comedian, and Samay Raina, internet’s favourite recently engaged on X (formerly Twitter) after a fan tagged them both in a post on the social media platform and to his surprise, both the comedy stars replied. This led to speculations and requests from fans and users on the platform. But are they really collaborating? Here’s what happened.

Recently, a fan posted on X (formerly Twitter), about how Kapil Sharma needs to come on on Samay Raina’s YouTube show India’s Got Latent, which has been attended by many prominent celebrities. He also added the hashtag “#WeWantKapilSharmaOnLatent.” On this post, Kapil Sharma commented, “Kya baat kar rahe ho yaar (What are you saying, friend)? Seriously? Hmmm, even I love him, @ReheSamay,” expressing his love and admiration for Samay. 

Samay, a fanboy, could not contain his happiness at this comment. Resharing the post, he wrote, “I love you so much sir.” He also commented with red hearts and crying emojis in the same comments thread. 

In case you did not know, India’s Got Latent is an online show that airs on YouTube, where participants come to showcase their unique talents to a panel of judges, which includes Samay Raina. The panel then roasts each contestant, and scores them. In the past, guests like Poonam Pandey, Haarsh Limbachiyaa, Bharti Singh, Tony Kakkar, comedian Vipul Goyal and Atul Khatri, and even Rakhi Sawant have appeared on the show.


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