Congratulations, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Nicholai Sachdev. The couple got married on July 3 in Chennai. The wedding ceremony was attended by the who’s who of the industry. From legendary filmmaker Mani Ratnam to music maestro AR Rahman, celebrities added stardust to the blockbuster reception. For the special day, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar picked a wine-coloured lehenga. The blouse featured heavy embellishments and motifs. The tassel work added an extra edge to it. The lehenga carried a heavy sequin work. As for accessories, Varalaxmi went with a statement diamond necklace. Nicholai Sachdev complemented his bride by picking a finely tailored sherwani.
In the pictures shared by a fan page on X (formerly Twitter), we can spot Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin and his son Udhayanidhi Stalin posing with the newlyweds for the camera. In the next frame, Telugu superstar Ventakesh Daggubatti can be seen congratulating the couple. Actor Siddharth was also part of the guest list.
Celebrities attended the #Varalaxmi & #Nicholai Reception #VNWedding
More ???? ➡️
— Common Man Media (@commonmanmedia) July 3, 2024
Nandamuri Balakrishna was also part of Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Nicholai Sachdev’s special day. The actor, in the photo, can be seen offering a bouquet to the couple.
Natasimham #NandamuriBalakrishna, @megopichand and @MusicThaman attend #VaralakshmiSarathkumar & #NicholaiSachdev‘s wedding reception.#VNWedding
— Nandamuri Balakrishna (@NBK_Unofficial) July 4, 2024
Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff also attended the reception party. As always, he gifted a plant as a token of love to the couple.
Celebrities attended the #Varalaxmi & #Nicholai Reception #VNWedding@realsarathkumar@varusarath5@idiamondbabu@RIAZtheboss@V4Singaravelu@SureshChandraa@AbdulNassarOffl@DoneChannel1
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) July 3, 2024
Trisha Krishnan, Ramya Krishna, Prabhu Deva, Rajinikanth, Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth, Vijay, Sri Ganesh, Gopichand, Shobhana, Nassar, Radha Ravi, Bharath, Siddharth, Gautham Karthik, Vemal, and Sibi Sathyaraj were also part of the festivities.
Ahead of the wedding, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar along with her father, Sarathkumar, and Nicholai Sachdev met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and invited him to the wedding. Sharing pictures from the meeting, Varalaxmi said, “What a privilege it was to have met Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri
@narendramodi ji and invited him to our reception..thank you for being so warm & welcoming.. spending so much of your valuable time with us despite your very busy schedule…Truly an honour sir…thank you, Daddy @realsarathkumar for making this happen.”
What a privilege it was to have met Our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi ji and invited him for our reception..thank you for being so warm & welcoming.. spending so much of your valuable time with us despite your very busy schedule.. truly an honour sir..thank you daddy…
— ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? (@varusarath5) June 29, 2024
Varalaxmi Sarathkumar was last seen in Hanu-Man.