Actress Neetu Kapoor rang in her 66th birthday amid the Swiss mountains in the presence of her daughter Riddhima her husband Bharat Sahni and daughter Samaira. In a video shared by Riddhima on her Instagram story, Neetu could be seen joining in as her family sang the birthday song for her. She celebrated with a special dessert and a sparkler. Riddhima also shared a mother-daughter photo with Neetu and wrote, “Just us girls enjoying our bubbly. Love and only love. Happy birthday my mommykins.

In addition, Riddhima also shared a photo with the birthday girl and Samaira, capturing “three generations” of Kapoor women.

See what Riddhima shared:

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Besides Riddhima, the Kapoor sisters Kareena and Karisma also wished the Jugjugg Jeeyo star on her big day. Sharing a picture of the actress, Kareena wrote, “Happy birthday to the most fit and inspiring Neetu aunty.” Karisma on the other hand, shared a pictrure with the birthday girl and wrote, “Happy birthday to out Neetu aunty.”

See their posts below:

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After 25 years, Neetu Kpaoor made her comeback in Imtiaz Ali’s Love Aaj Kal. She signed up for Do Dooni Chaar opposite her husband and later co-starred with her son, Ranbir Kapoor in Besharam. In 2022, she was paired opposite Anil Kapoor in Jugjugg Jeeyo.

She is also known for films like Deewar, Kabhi Kabhie, Amar Akbar Anthony, Dharam Veer, Parvarish and many others. 

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