Actress Amala Paul’s latest Instagram post is sugar spice and everything nice. The star has shared a series of pictures from her baby shower in Surat, Gujarat. In the snaps, Amala and her entrepreneur-husband Jagat Desai, are setting some couple goals as they perform rituals for the special ceremony. Amala is wearing a red and white saree. For the special occasion, Jagat Desai picked a white kurta pyjama set. In the caption, the star wrote, “Embraced by tradition and love.” She also added some pink heart emojis to the caption. Celebrities flooded the comment section with congratulatory messages. Actors Srinish Aravind and Pearle Maaney posted heart-eyed emojis. Actress Pooja Dey said, “Prettiest mommy to be Amala Paul Congratulations guys. Jagat Desai Lots of happiness and good luck to you both parents-to-be.” 

On Thursday, Amala Paul shared an oh-so-adorable video showcasing her mehndi for the baby shower. On her palms, we can see the design of a little kid playing in his mother’s lap and a couple looking at each other. The text, in her henna, read, “Mom to be.”

Before that, Amala Paul posted a BTS video from her maternity shoot. In the clip, the actress is wearing a pristine white outfit and was seen walking beside the pool. Not to miss, her baby bump is clearly stealing all the spotlight.

At the time of announcing her pregnancy, Amala Paul posted some beachside pictures with her better half. “Now I know that 1+1 is 3 with you!” read the text attached to the post

On the work front, Amala Paul’s film Aadujeevitham aka The Goat Life is currently running in cinemas. The Blessy directorial features Prithviraj Sukumaran in the lead role. 

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