Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has moved the Karnataka High Court against Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot’s decision to sanction his prosecution in an alleged land scam case. Siddaramaiah is facing charges of alleged irregularities in the compensatory site allotment to his wife by the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) during his tenure as chief minister.

While the BJP has been demanding his resignation over the allegations, the Congress has ruled out any such move. The chief minister has also termed the charges as “politically motivated”.

This marks yet another confrontation between a Governor and a state government led by a non-BJP party.

Mr Gehlot had given a go-ahead to the Lokayukta on Saturday to prosecute Siddaramaiah in the alleged land scam case. The Chief Minister filed a petition this morning challenging the decision.

The sanction was based on petitions by three activists – Pradeep Kumar, TJ Abraham, and Snehamayi Krishna. It followed a notice to the Chief Minister, in which the Governor had asked him to explain within seven days why he shouldn’t be prosecuted.

The state cabinet had termed the notice “gross misuse of the Constitutional office” and asked the Governor to withdraw it.

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