After a nine-year hiatus, Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na star Imran Khan will be making his big Bollywood comeback with a film, which will be backed by his uncle Aamir Khan’s production house. As per a new report by Peeping Moon, the actor will make his comeback with a comedy film titled Happy Patel. As per the report, a source said, “Imran has finally locked in his comeback project, nearly eight months after he hinted at the possibility of returning to movies last year. He will star in and as Happy Patel in a quirky comedy produced by Aamir Khan Productions. The film is a laugh-riot and is set in a familiar yet uniquely fresh world, reminiscent of Imran’s previous works. Shooting has already commenced in Goa.”

The report also added that Happy Patel will mark the directorial debut of comedian-actor Vir Das. For the unversed, Imran Khan and Vir Das co-starred in Delhi Belly in 2011.

Previously, in an interview with with Vogue India, the actor opened up about why he took a break from acting. He revealed, “I hit a low in 2016 where I felt broken inside. Luckily, I was working in an industry that had rewarded me financially, so by the time I was 30, I didn’t have to worry about money. At that point, it wasn’t my career because I wasn’t excited by it enough to want to work hard for it. I had recently become a father and thought, ‘This is valuable. This is something I take seriously.’ I wanted to be the best version of myself for Imara. I decided it was no longer my job to be an actor. Now, I had to fix myself; be at my healthiest and strongest for my daughter.”

Imran Khan is known for films like Jaane Tu… Ya Jaane Na, Delhi Belly, Luck, Mere Brother Ki Dulhan, I Hate Luv Storys and Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu. He was last seen in Katti Batti alongside Kangana Ranaut in 2015. Three years later, he directed a short film Mission Mars: Keep Walking India.

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