Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in an exclusive interview with NDTV today, said the BJP will expand its footprint hugely in eastern India this time, which would take the NDA easily over the 400-seat mark.

Asked about a BJP upswing in eastern India, the Prime Minister spoke about the special focus on the zone to develop it as the growth engine.

“If you listen to my 2013 speech, I had mentioned then, when I was not even the PM candidate, that if we want to develop India we have to make East India the growth engine,” he said while holding a roadshow in Patna. 

“We have focused on infra, health etc. As far as this poll is considered, the results in east will reflect that. People will be surprised. Like in Telangana, Odisha, Bengal, in Bihar Jharkhand, Assam. I can see, BJP will add new areas,” he added.

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