Mira Rajput, wife of Bollywood superstar Shahid Kapoor, on Saturday, gave a glimpse of her husband’s “staring contest” with her brother-in-law Ishaan Khatter. An avid social media user, Mira, who has 4.7 million followers on Instagram, shared an adorable peek, wherein the actor-brothers Shahid and Ishaan are playfully staring at each other. Shahid can be seen lying on the bed, wearing a plain white T-shirt, while Ishaan is standing on the other side and smiling.

Mira captioned the post: “Staring contest.”

Shahid married Mira in July 2015. The couple have two kids– daughter Misha and son Zain.

The Kabir Singh star is the son of actors Pankaj Kapur and Neliima Azeem. His parents got divorced when he was three years old. His mother, Neliima, later married actor Rajesh Khattar, and they have a son, Ishaan.

On the professional front, Shahid is shooting for the upcoming adrenaline-pumping action thriller, Deva in Mumbai. The movie also features Pooja Hegde and Pavail Gulati.

Deva is directed by Rosshan Andrrews, while Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films are the producers.

He was last seen in the science fiction romantic comedy Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya.

Meanwhile, Ishaan last featured in the biographical war film Pippa. He will also be seen in the web series The Perfect Couple.

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