Priyanka Chopra, who landed in Mumbai earlier this month, spent holi with her husband Nick, daughter Malti Marie and family in India. A day after the Citadel star’s pictures and video from the holi celebrations went viral, she treated her Instafam to some more pictures from the festivities. Our heart is however set on the first image where Priyanka can be seen posing with Malti Marie in her arms and Nick by her side. All three can be seen twinning in white. In other pictures and videos uploaded, her mom Madhu Chopra and cousin Mannara Chopra, who recently appeared in Bigg Boss, can also be spotted. Priyanka Chopra captioned the post as, “Holi was lit. Thank you @tam2cul @sudeepdutt for creating such a warm atmosphere for our family! So much fun.”

Take a look at Priyanka’s post:

Pictures from the grand celebrations went crazy viral on social media.In one video, Priyanka and Nick can be seen matching steps to the holi songs. Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra, brother Siddharth Chopra, cousin Mannara Chopra can be spotted in several pictures. The pictures were shared by a fan page dedicated to Priyanka Chopra. Sharing the pictures, the fan page wrote, “Happy holi from the Chopras.” Take a look:

Here are some more pictures from the celebrations:

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas had a lavish wedding in Jodhpur. They had two wedding ceremonies – a Christian and a Hindu one. Priyanka and Nick’s family members had a gala time at mehendi, sangeet and other pre-wedding festivities. Sharing the pictures from her Hindu wedding, Priyanka wrote, “And forever starts now…”. Priyanka wore a red lehenga from the shelves of celebrity designer Sabyasachi Mukerjee. Take a look:

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas welcomed daughter Malti Marie in January 2022 via surrogacy. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas met at the grand fashion event Met Gala 2017, where they represented designer Ralph Lauren. They got married at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in 2018. Nick Jonas had a cameo appearance in Priyanka Chopra’s film Love Again with Celine Dion and Sam Heughan.

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